Enterprise-level Information, Job search, Professional Development

Today’s job seekers, fueled by a changing job market and heightened awareness of corporate values, are redefining their criteria for ideal employers. This article explores the shift towards purpose-driven career choices, particularly among Millennials and Gen Z. Data accessibility, especially in understanding ESG initiatives, is reshaping professional decisions. Uncover emerging solutions for informed choices, benefitting both corporations and impact-driven individuals.

Job seekers have become more vocal about what they want from the companies they choose to work for. Exacerbated by current activity in the jobs market, including mass layoffs in tech, we are witnessing a rise in the interest of a company’s purpose, missions, and values, including knowing more about ESG initiatives, CSR, culture, and human capital practices. Finding a job based on experience and skill set alone is no longer top of mind, and despite the layoffs, it hasn’t deterred impact-driven professionals from pursuing what they truly care about. They want to align themselves with companies that enable them opportunities to make a difference and have an impact. Impact-driven professionals want to associate with companies that care about their core beliefs, values, and interests. But how exactly can the average working professional do that?

Access to enterprise-level data that goes beyond what is in the public domain, such as company news and financial data, is the key. Non-financial data is much harder to come by. It tends to only be available to corporates and investors who pay large sums of money. Isn’t it time to level the playing field?

Why is data accessibility so important?

ESG is a ‘hot’ topic and one that everyone, from investors, individuals, corporations and their clients, and the media, is paying more attention to every year. We are all talking about sound ESG practices and what companies should be doing in this space, but consumers and professionals don’t have easy access to these insights.

Data plays an important part in business and will continue to do so in the future. There is more data available than we know what to do with. We need someone to dissect it and generate the insights we can use to make decisions about opportunities that in the long term will have a greater impact on the environment and wider society. Through data, we can create and sustain a data-driven workforce that brings greater retention, increased productivity, and professionals and businesses that are more aligned with what each other truly cares about.

For professionals, Millennials, and Gen Z in particular, it’s important to understand the mission, values, and ESG practices of a company. Solutions are needed to equip professionals to do this when they are screening people, companies, and job opportunities in their searches. The market is limited in what it currently offers, but there are some options coming to the surface that can provide access to enterprise-level data, offer insights, and then match professionals with companies that align with the values they most care about.

In some places, it’s already happening. McKinsey research shows how B2B sales pioneers are empowering their sellers and driving sustained growth with data and analytics. The payoff? Above-market growth and an earnings increase.

It’s not like the data isn’t available or already being used. Investors use these data sets daily to assess how responsible or ESG-proof companies are so that they can size the risk in their portfolio and engage with management of such companies when they believe there is a risk exposure. They also consider this when picking stocks as part of their due diligence. Not only investors, but the regulatoris also taking a look at these topics, and have been putting ESG directives in place, as they look for manners to foster sustainable and responsible corporate behaviors for building a sustainable economy and society.

Understanding the ESG practices, culture, and non-financials of a company will allow the impact-driven professional to determine where they want to work or who to connect with as they share the same values, beliefs, and interests. Data accessibility removes the hurdles that currently prevent professionals from making fully informed decisions.It levels the playing field and provides equal opportunities for both sides of the job and opportunity-seeking coin – corporates and professionals. Having access to a company’s reputation and risk exposures will allow the impact-driven professional to better understand the companies they are considering working for, and connect with the businesses that share the same core beliefs, values, and interests.

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