Culture Clash or Culture Fit? Why Finding the Right Company Culture Matters

company culture, Matching, values

In today’s competitive job market, a paycheck simply isn’t enough to attract and retain top talent. Employees are increasingly seeking workplaces that resonate with their values and working styles. This is where company culture comes into play. Finding the right company culture is  crucial. Culture is the invisible force that shapes everything within an organization. […]

Deloitte Survey | 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Concerns

Gen Z and Millennial concerns 2023

Waves of change: acknowledging progress, confronting setbacks Introduction: The labor landscape is undergoing a transformative shift, as Gen Z and millennial workers grapple with burnout and dissatisfaction in their current jobs. In a comprehensive survey conducted by Deloitte in 2023, alarming statistics shed light on the challenges faced by the younger workforce. From mental health […]

Fortune | Millennial and Gen Z employees are rejecting assignments, turning down offers, and seeking purpose. Here’s what they expect of their employers, according to Deloitte’s latest survey

Gen Z vs Millennials in the labour market

Industry insights | Having tracked the priorities, concerns, and motivations of the youngest generations in the workforce for the last 12 years, the annual Deloitte Global Gen Z and Millennial Survey has revealed a consistent theme. Read more

Decoding the Workforce Generation Gap: Gen Z Vs Millennials

Gen Z vs Millennials in the labour market

In the dynamic landscape of today’s job market, it is crucial for organizations to comprehend the distinctions between Gen Z and Millennials. These influential generations prioritize purposeful work and strong company culture values, making it essential for employers to decode their unique aspirations and expectations. Join us on an exciting journey as we explore the […]

Gen Z Workforce: Values as the Catalyst for Job Change

Gen Z in the labour market, values

As Gen Z professionals make their way into the workforce, they are poised to represent over one-third of the labor market by 2025. The Gen Z workforce is known for its unique values and priorities when it comes to employment. Unlike previous generations, Gen Z employees tend to prioritize factors beyond just salary and stability. […]